SS 09: Turning Goals Into Action

SS 09 Turning Goals Into Action -

Get Your Team To Work Toward Your Vision

If you’re like most entrepreneurs your company’s vision and goals are only in your head and are NOT part of your team’s weekly or daily check-ins.


Listen…your team can’t read your mind! They won’t know your company goals if you never tell them. That’s like asking them to hit a target they can’t see.


And when they inevitably don’t hit that target…

  • You get frustrated
  • Your audience is not properly served
  • The team has no idea why they missed the mark


Here’s the thing… working toward goals as a team will get your ENTIRE company working towards your vision.


Not only is it going to increase their job satisfaction, engagement within your company, and most of all get them to really care about your mission, but you’ll be able to have the impact you envisioned when you first started your business.


Studies have shown that working toward and achieving goals makes a job more fulfilling. Don’t rob your team of that fulfillment AND the ability to fulfill the dreams you have for your business.


I know goal setting and tracking is not the most fun or sexiest part of entrepreneurship, but it’s a crucial step in taking your team to the next level. So it’s time to share your goals with your team and create a plan to work toward those goals together.


Which is why in this episode I show you a simple yet effective way to get the entire team on board with your vision for 2020.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why metrics can be the GPS for you and your team
  • The 2 important attributes needed when setting a destination goal
  • How to turn a vague idea into a solid goal
  • Where metrics should be stored and why
  • How to make metric tracking part of your team’s weekly activities
  • How metrics increase job fulfillment
  • And more!


Resources & Links Mentioned:

Take My FREE Team Readiness Assessment


Theresa Loe: Leadership & Team Building Coach
Hi, I’m Theresa Loe, and I help online CEOs set up their team and operations to be strategic, sustainable and scalable in a aligned and purposeful way so they can scale their business.

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