From overwhelm to clarity and results
Sweet Testimonial Love

Her training has been a game changer!
“I invested in Theresa's training for my team and I cannot say enough good things about the experience. She deeply understands the position of supporting ambitious CEOs with big ideas. And she's a master at gently guiding them to step fully into their work with confidence.”
- Jasmine Star
Business Strategist & Photographer at JasmineStar
She also has great insight into being a better leader without sacrificing time.
“I loved working with Theresa to streamline and organize how my team works together. She's very skilled at finding a team's blind spots and offering simple solutions to working more efficiently.”
- Rick Mulready
Online Business Strategist at RickMulready

I love her grounded, thoughtful approach to digital marketing which is both highly effective and from the heart.
“Theresa is an extremely gifted consultant and a total class act. For the last 2 years, she's coached and mentored our marketing manager during our big, important launches. Theresa has also led in-person trainings with our team to tailor the way we work together and strategically coordinate our messaging.”
-Erin Benzakein
Organic Farmer-Florist & Author at Floret Flowers
I would highly recommend Theresa’s team trainings to every business owner that wants to take their business to the next level.
“In the past, I had struggled with finding the right person for my integrator (2nd-in-command) role. But Theresa taught me how to find someone that was best suited to my particular needs. And she guided me on getting them on board quickly and efficiently. This time, I’m confident that my integrator is a perfect fit.”
- Julia Magnusdottir
Chef & Health Coach at Julia’sFood

She not only taught me which specific skills I needed to look for, she also showed me exactly how to determine if someone was a good fit for our company culture.
“In the past, I hired the wrong person for the wrong position. It ended up costing me money and time that I will ever get back. Working with Theresa was absolutely amazing because she gave me clarity and direction.”
- Angela Rose
CEO at The Laundry Moms
I'm now working less hours and have someone fully capable of running the nitty-gritty details FOR me in a high-level capacity.
“Theresa taught me to identify the personality traits I needed in my new hire for the best success.”
- Emily Aarons
Intuitive Business Coach at EmilyAarons

With Theresa's help, we built our dream team.
"Theresa Loe's superpower is finding the right people and helping them sit in the right seats in your business. Hiring the right people has saved me tons of money and time and I love knowing my team members were made for the roles they were hired for."
- Stacy Tuschl
CEO & Creator of The Foot Traffic Formula
I'm now a more effective leader and my team is THRIVING.
Part of my work with Theresa involved working on ME as the CEO - including how I articulated my vision to my team. Together, we dialed in my team's roles, communication and how each team member owns their role without me micro-managing. I'm so thankful for Theresa's guidance."
- Britt Seva
Social Media & Marketing Strategist for Hair Stylists

Going through this process helped me fix the leaks inside my business.
"Theresa helped my team and I set up systems and processes so that I was able to take a 3-month maternity leave. It was life-changing! My income didn't change and from the outside, no one could tell that I was on leave. I'm so grateful because I'm still reaping the benefits of being streamlined."
- Tracy Campoli
Lifestyle & Wellness Coach
Thanks to Theresa, my team and I are no longer stressed!
“Theresa helped us clarify all the roles and make sure we had the right people in every position. From the very beginning, Theresa understood my situation perfectly and knew exactly how to solve all of our issues so that we could get the whole team to perform their best.”
- Angel Alegre Garcia
CEO at Vivir al Máximo

I now trust in my abilities as the CEO and leader in my business.
“Before I started working with Theresa, I was doing way too much and I needed a more solid team behind me. Plus, I wasn’t sure how I would lead that team once I had them in place. After going through Theresa’s Streamlined & Scaled Leadership program, I became much more confident. I’m able to communicate deeply and authentically with my team and we’re now working together so I can stay in my zone of genius and be a true CEO ready to grow and scale.”
- Candus Kampfer
CEO & Creator of Confidence with QuickBooks
Theresa has made a huge difference in my company and I’ve now been able to impact more people!
“I came to Theresa because I was working myself to death with mostly 1:1 work. Through her strategic coaching, I’ve been able to leverage my content, help a lot more people and have more income while working LESS.”
- Noelle Johnson
CEO of AZ Plant Lady, LLC

Our day-to-day activities are now running better than I ever could have imagined!
“I struggled for a long time to build an A-list team that I could actually delegate to with confidence and trust. Thanks to Theresa, I now have a solid approach to screen, hire and nurture perfect-match team members so we ALL have success.”
- Colleen Arneil, Ph D
Creator of Clients With Results at ColleenArneil
Theresa showed me how to shift my team members into taking responsibility so that I could get my time back.
“I came to Theresa feeling that a full-time employee was exhausting because I was spending too much of my time managing her. Her trainings will help anyone feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having a team.”
- Stephanie Rose
Owner & Author at Garden Therapy

I have a new CEO approach to everything I do and I'm no longer scared.
“Theresa's program gave me a huge mindset shift! This program is perfect for the solopreneur who is tired of working alone.”
- Pam Farley
Owner of Brown Thumb Mama
If you're ready to build your team (rather than doing ALL the jobs yourself), Theresa's program teaches you how to do just that, with clarity and detail.
“You'll learn how to shift to the CEO mindset, how to conduct a productive search for team members, and what kind of project management software you can use to make most efficient use of your (and your team's) time.”
- Ellen Zachos
Owner & Author Backyard Forager

I have since offloaded some of my more frustrating business tasks to someone who does a much better job than I did.
“Before going through Theresa's team building training, I didn't fully understand the value of spending the money to hire help. This freed me up to focus more on the important things and that is huge.”
- Ann McCormick
Owner of Herb'nCowgirl
As always, I learn so much from Theresa's programs.
“She's a brilliant teacher who is genuine and sincere. She gives you confidence and strategy that you can use long after the course is over. I highly recommend all of Theresa's trainings - but her team building is perfect for those online business owners who are ready to grow and get their time back.”
- Jan Bujan
Organic Gardener & Teacher at In The Garden With Grandma

Theresa empowered me to get laser-focused on what mattered most in my business!
“Theresa's strong support and guidance was key to me tackling my fears and launching a brand new business project.”
- Diana Kirby
Owner of Diana’s Designs