SS 102: Indecision

SS 102 Indecision -

Why You Are Procrastinating A Big Decision

Getting stuck in indecision is a form of procrastination. You are hesitating because you either are afraid of making a mistake OR you don’t want to do something uncomfortable.


Either way, staying stuck is probably the worse choice. Doing nothing probably won’t solve the root problem or get you to your goal destination.


So, how do you get unstuck?


In this episode, I walk you through the mental shifts you need to make and the action steps you need to take in order to finally make that hard decision. 



In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What indecision really is
  • Why we can get stuck in it
  • How doing nothing makes it worse
  • Ways to make the best decision you can
  • And SO much more…


Resources & Links Mentioned:

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Related Episodes:

Episode 47: Stuck in Overthinking? Do This!

Episode 73 – Beliefs Determine Success

Episode 77 Mini: You Need Courage Before Confidence

Episode 93 – Overwhelm & Self Integrity


Theresa Loe: Leadership & Team Building Coach
Hi, I’m Theresa Loe, and I help online CEOs set up their team and operations to be strategic, sustainable and scalable in a aligned and purposeful way so they can scale their business.

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